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- [1] [1] Hongli Niu*, Ziang Hu, Information transmission and entropy-based network between Chinese stock market and commodity futures market, Resources Policy 74 (2021) 102294..
- [2] Hongli Niu, Kunliang Xu*, Cheng Liu, A decomposition-ensemble model with regrouping method and attention-based gated recurrent unit network for energy price prediction,Energy 231 (2021) 120941. (SCI期刊).
- [3] Hongli Niu*, Correlations between crude oil and stocks prices of renewable energy and technology companies: A multiscale time-dependent analysis, Energy 221 (2021) 119800.(SCI期刊).
- [4] Hongli Niu, Weiqing Wang, Junhuan Zhang, Recurrence duration statistics and time-dependent intrinsic correlation analysis of trading volumes: A study of Chinese stock indices, Physica A 514 (2019) 838-854.
- [5] Hongli Niu,Jun Wang, Return volatility duration analysis of NYMEX energy futures and spot, Energy 140 (2017) 837-849. (SCI期刊).
- [6] Hongli Niu, Jun Wang, Multifractal and Recurrence Behaviors of Continuum Percolation-Based Financial Price Dynamics, Nonlinear Dynamics 83 (2016) 513-528. (SCI期刊).
- [7] Hongli Niu, Jun Wang, Yunfan Lu, Fluctuation behaviors of financial return volatility duration, Physica A 448 (2016)30-40. (SCI期刊).
- [8] Hongli Niu, Jun Wang, Nonlinear analysis on cross correlation of financial time series by continuum percolation system, Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos 26 (2016) 1630004. (SCI期刊).
- [9] Hongli Niu, Jun Wang, Quantifying complexity of financial short-term time series by composite multiscale entropy measure, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 22 (2015) 375-382. (SCI期刊).
- [10] Hongli Niu, Jun Wang, Phase and multifractality analyses of random price time series by finite-range interacting biased voter system, Comput. Stat. 29 (2014) 1045-1063. (SCI期刊).